Outfitters & Leasing
How's this for honesty- It's funny to think 2016 was a mixed year. We were absolutely blessed to have harvested two giants using bows, one being a true mid 150's class while the other topped 165". However success percentage wise, we had nearly 15 clients and for that there's room to improve- Unfortunately this simple statistic doesn't reveal opportunities nor does it show how many 130 class bucks were passed. That being said, 2017 will be one for the books with the far majority of our mature bucks carrying over into this upcoming season.
All pictured bucks survived the 2016 season to the best of our knowledge! Moreover, these are our "homebody" bucks and NOT testosterone fueled rutting nomads never to be seen again.
*85% Client Return Rate
*Ample References Available
*Over Twice as Many Stands as Clients
*All Trail Camera Photos Gladly Shared
Give us a call and let's talk deer!
Travis South