Outfitters & Leasing
This property consists of groomed grassland with stands of mostly lined furs. Along the perimeter, particularly on the north east and north west fringes are some of the more mature stands of timber with steeper contours- These contours, staggered furs, and the river make for quality funnels and etched in the hillside trails as pictured below.
Walking eight miles on this property uncovered a handful of trees that were a no-brainer for stand locations, solid trails, and countless quality rubs.
Sleeping quarters on site- Framed room in metal maintenance building that was once used as office/break room with kitchen, sink, refrigerator, etc.
*Nursery is currently in use
*ATV OK for hunting purposes only
*Network of roads for easy access
*Larger parcels adjoin this tract
Acreage: Max Hunters:
285 +/- 5

Why Choose a Virginia Hunting Lease
With a deer population of 1 million and a mere 75,000 hunters, Virginia leads the Southeast with the hunter per acre statistic. Moreover, Virginia manages their deer herd for quality- The state is split into two distinct regions with differing regulations to ensure Virginia continues to be a solid whitetail producing state.
From food plots to stands, we offer fully customizable options on all of our properties to maximize your time hunting and ensure your lease becomes a whitetail mecca.